Welcome to Agricultural Engineering Department

  • CHC

Minor Irrigation


<ul><li> To explore and harness groundwater resources for creating additional area under irrigation facilities.</li> <li>To stabilize the areas already under irrigation. Promoting conjunctive use of surface water and ground water.</li> <li> To assist farmers in locating sites for sinking wells</il></ul>

e - Vaadagai

<ul><li>The farmers can book the Agricultural Engineering Department owned agricultural Machinery and Implement their house or farm itself through e- Vaadagai mobile app without visiting AED offices.</li></ul>


Digital Resistivity Meters

Digital Resistivity Meters is used for assessing the lithology and for exploring ground water availability for drilling tube wellls and bore wells.   

Hire Charges

Agriculture Purpose : ₹500/- Point, Non-Agriculture Purpose : ₹1000/- Point

Rock Blasting Unit

Rock Blasting Units is used for deepening of open wells as well as for blasting and removing rock out crops in farm lands.   

Hire Charges

Agriculture Purpose : ₹250/- Blasting



Mini Drill 6

Mini Drills for sinking of tube wells in shallow areas of Tiruvarur, Thanjavur and Nagappattinam districts.   

Hire Charges

Agriculture Purpose : ₹70/- Metre

Rotary Drill

Rotary drills for sinking of tube wells in alluvial soil areas of Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Cuddalore, Pudukottai, Thanjavur and Tiruvarur districts.   

Hire Charges

₹130/- Metre



Percussion Drill

Percussion drills to work in selected alluvial areas and hard rock areas of Tiruvallur districts.    

Hire Charges

₹300/- Per Day

Hand Boring Set

Hand Boring sets is used for sinking of shallow tube wells .    

Hire Charges

₹30/- Metre


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